DIGITAL BOOK: "The Toxin Factor: 21-Day Detox with The UPGRADERS® Method – Boost Health, Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Look Younger"
Table of Content
Overview of the book "THE TOXIN FACTOR"
Upgraders Method = BALANCE lifestyle principles
Upgraders Method 21-day Detox Recipes
E-BOOK: "The Toxin Factor: 21-Day Detox with The UPGRADERS® Method – Boost Health, Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Look Younger"


E-BOOK: "The Toxin Factor: 21-Day Detox with The UPGRADERS® Method – Boost Health, Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Look Younger"

Sale price£16.00

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Program Language:ENGLISH

Begin Your Health and Beauty Transformation with the UPGRADERS® Method Guidebook

Dive into this 100-page digital guide, grounded in the latest scientific insights. It targets toxic gut metabolites known to cause 'silent intoxication'—the hidden culprits behind weight gain, chronic diseases and accelerated aging. Experience medical-grade detoxification from the comfort of your home, expertly guided by Dr. Henning Sartor, PhD, a leading microbiome and metabolome expert in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

The UPGRADERS® Method Guidebook offers a comprehensive plan to shift your lifestyle towards BALANCE, including meal guidance and simple recipes that foster long-term health and vitality. For optimal results, pair the guide with our potent, all-natural supplement blends for a deep cellular cleanse and nourishment.

Join the 21-Day Challenge and rejuvenate your body and mind—because true regeneration starts with detoxification. #UpgradersMethod @UpgradersMethod


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