Studies show UPGRADERS® Method works.

Dr. Didi


“As a General Practitioner, I see a lot of people suffering from chronic health issues like insomnia, fatigue, weight gain, stress and anxiety, constant headaches ... I have been treating my patients with detox & complex micronutrient therapy to help strengthen immune system and fight inflammation for years now with lots of success."

Dr. Dietmar Rösler
Private Practice, Salzburg

upgrade Your Health with Detox & Targeted Micronutrition

Immune System

claimed a reduced frequency of infections*

indicated strengthening of immune system*

stated effectiveness “good” or “very good”*

Influenza-like Infections

reduction in incidence of infections*

reduction in duration of infections*

Menopause Symptoms

stated improvement of menopausal symptoms “good” or “very good”*

Considered tolerability (no side effects) “good” or “very good”*

* Based on evaluation of ~4,000 laboratory analyses and ~75,000 medical history entries.

Jennifer Vilgrain photo


Experience Clinic-Level Results from the Comfort of Home!

Having visited exclusive wellness detox clinics in Europe in the past, I always returned feeling incredible. However, this time I embarked on my first 21-day home detox program inspired by the luxurious version. The initial 5 days were intense as my body began to detox and release toxins accumulated over years. By day 6, my headaches vanished, my skin cleared up, and my energy levels soared. With each passing day, I felt better than ever before. At 52 years old, amidst menopause, my mental clarity improved, and I shed 4 kilos (8.8 pounds) – weight that I've successfully maintained!

Based on 18 reviews
Sehr zu empfehlen

Das 21-Tage-Set ist sehr gut erklärt und gut selbst zu Hause durchzuführen. Ich finde es besonders gut das es eine sanfte Entgiftung zusammen mit einem längeren Aufbau mit Vitalstoffen und Darmbakterien ist. Ich habe ein paar Kilo Gewicht verloren, aber bemerkenswert ist, das ich mich mit der Ernährungsumstellung körperlich ein größeres Wohlbefinden habe und eine bessere Schlafqualität.
Ich empfehle die Kur gerne weiter.

Sehr empfehlenswert!!!

Ich habe mich sehr wohl und fit gefühlt und plane die 21 Tage einmal im
Jahr fest für mich ein! Vielen Dank

Great feeling

"After completing the Upgraders program, I experienced a remarkable transformation. Each morning, I felt an incredible surge of energy that had been absent before, and friends and acquaintances began commenting on how I appeared better than ever. Over the three-week period, I also achieved a significant weight loss, shedding 4 kilograms.

However, the most profound outcome for me was the newfound awareness and attention I developed towards my body and health. The Upgraders program not only delivered tangible results but also instilled in me a lasting commitment to prioritize my well-being. It has become a transformative journey that extends far beyond the initial three weeks, influencing my daily habits and fostering a positive impact on my overall health. I am deeply grateful for the Upgraders experience and the positive changes it has brought into my life."


Hey, I really enjoyed taking part in the programm. The first couple of days were quite difficult, especially the fact that I was not allowed to eat in the evenings. But after a few days, one could feel that energy is not taken from eating all the time, but from eating the right amount of food and from drinking enough water. Sometimes even tea helps and can count as "nutrition".

Now that the programm is over, I still try to take all the supplements whenever possible, I take the vitamins and the Enzyme before every meal I eat. For me, the most diffucult task was to not eat chocolate and it still is - my plan now is: whenever I crave chocolate, I just tell myself, okay, you can have some, but then there will not be any food in the evenings. And this method really works :)
For breakfast, I still eat what is recommended during the programm and I try to stick to the plan as good as I can!

Total success story

I have done many different detoxifications in the past years and this experience felt like a walk in the park! As the cleanse is lasting 21 days, the toxins will be lead out smoothly - this meant very mild side effects! This also meant that the whole experience is very doable for a busy, working person - like me! I do not have time to lay down and do nothing! The guidelines are easy to follow and I made them even easier for me. I decided to stick to steamed and boiled vegetables.
I also took the time to create new healthy habits like: no overeating, eating light meal for dinner and no snacking.
For me the whole experience was a holistic experience. I deepened my yoga and meditation practices and cleaned out some mental clutter.
Results? I lost 3,5kg, my skin looks and feels younger, my sleep is good, my old beautiful dresses fit me perfectly, my waistline is reduced, my cellulite decreased about 80%, my energy level is high,I have better mental clarity! I feel younger and fresher ❤️! Love it!! Will repeat the cleanse when I feel a need, but minimum once a year!
Warmest wishes, Cristel from Germany

Flat Belly, More Energy

Before trying the 21 day detox, I was taking no supplements of any kind believing that a pretty healthy diet and exercise was all I needed. But I had begun to feel sluggish and had accumulated weight around my middle that made me very uncomfortable. Knowing the purity of the Upgraders supplements, I trusted the program was worth a try. And it was! As the 21 days went by, my energy level climbed and my belly deflated. I came to enjoy the eating plan and will continue on with it to lose about 10 more pounds. My body feels like it reset for a healthier me.

The best health package!

The best health package!

UPGRADERS® 21-day HEALTH UPGRADE DETOX Program with Supplements

Hea füüsiline ja vaimne vorm 21-päevaga

Olen toitumisnõustaja ning kokku puutunud erinevate detofikatsiooni programmidega. Kui enamus programmides on eelkõige toortoidu tarbimine esikohale seatud, siis selle programmi puhul on rõhku pööratud raku tasandil puhastumisele ning seda on võimalik saavutada vaid kergesti seeditavate toitude tarbimisele. Otsustasin seekord kaasata väljakutsesse ka oma abikaasa, kes soovis kaalu langetada. Esimesed viis päeva olid väljakutseid pakkuvad, kuna palju energiat läks programmiga kohanemiseks ning uute toitumisreeglitega harjumiseks. Pingutused kandsid vilja ning mitmed tuttavad nägid muutusi ja tundsid huvi mis meiega juhtunud on. Minu abikaasa kaotas programmi raames 4 kilo. Minul ei olnud eesmärki kaalu langetada, aga kaotasin 3 kg ning tänu toitumislisandite tarbimisele oli lihtsam talisuplust jätkata, treeninguid sooritada ning rasvaprotsent vähenes ja lihased tulid rohkem esile. Soovin edaspidi 2 korda aastas programmi korrata, et hoida head füüsilist ja vaimset vormi.

Endlich an der Wurzel angesetzt!

Nach vielen verschiedenen Kuren für meine Gesundheit habe ich jetzt endlich eine Do-it-yourself-Anleitung für zuhause gefunden! Schon nach der ersten Woche ging es mir viel besser! Die drei Wochen haben meinen Bauch, meine Haut und meine gesamte Körperenergie auf ein ganz neues Niveau gebracht, was ich so noch nicht erlebt habe! Viele Diätversuche haben vorher nie diesen durchgreifenden Effekt gehabt. Super, jetzt eine Methode kennengelernt und erfahren zu haben, die richtig an der Wurzel der Gesundheit ansetzt und spürbare Energie freisetzt! Auch jetzt einige Wochen nach Ende der drei Wochen spüre ich ein neues Wohlgefühl im Bauch und viel bessere Konzentrationsfähigkeit im Kopf. Habe sehr viel gelernt über meinen Körper und werde die wesentlichen Elemente der Schritt-für Schritt-Anleitung beibehalten und dieses 21-Tage-Gesundheits-Upgrade unbedingt wiederholen.
Toll! Kann diese UPGRADERS-Methode nur voll empfehlen!

wieder spannungsfrei!!

Mein Bauch fühlt sich wieder frei und flach an!
Lange Zeit beschäftigten mich unbestimmte, oft quälende, Spannungszustände und wechselnde, gasgesteuerte Bauchgrößen. Dann kam eine Empfehlung aus dem Bekanntenkreis: UPGRADERS, ein 21-Tage-Kurprogramm für zu Hause - aufgebaut auf einem Konzept, das "meine Physiologie" möglichst optimal unterstützt! Ich habe mich mit der hervorragend gut ausgearbeiteten Anleitung angenehm einfach durch die folgenden Wochen begleitet gefühlt. Einfach war es auch deshalb, weil meine Bauchbeschwerden sich unerwartet rasch verloren und auch sonst angenehme Veränderungen eintraten: meine Haare und meine Haut sind weicher, die Unreinheiten sind weg; mein Rücken und meine Gelenke fühlen sich bewegungsfreier und belastbarer an; ich schlafe besser; ich bin entspannter; meinen wiederkehrenden Druck im Kopf habe ich jetzt lange nicht gespürt- irgendwie ist derzeit viel "GRAU" aus mir raus!!! DANKE!!!

The secret formula of staying young!

Ever since I turned 50, I feel like my body is no longer the same. The answer from my doctors is that it's a hormone problem. Until I tried Upgraders 21-day program. I learned how our unhealthy lifestyle is responsible for high toxicity levels in our body driving inflammation / inflammaging. Once you fix the root cause, you fix everything. I gave it a try and the results were astonishing. Not only did I lose excess weight (4.5kg + it continues to come down slowly), I also started to sleep better, and have more energy to do more. My blood pressure has normalized which has not happened in the last 10 years. I will definitely do this program again after 6 months! This truly might be the secret of staying young :)

A formula to lasting weight loss finally!

I have tried many weight loss, cleanse programs but none of them have delivered lasting results. Upgraders 21-day program truly surprised me as in 1 week I already looked and felt better (physically and mentally). Even my family and friends noticed and asked if I am in love :) I lost 4 kg in total in 21 days and with the lifestyle changes that I have learned, I have a feeling the weight will continue to come down gradually. They say here that your weight will naturally regulate itself with Upgraders metabolic rebalance program and that’s the only way to keep it off for good. Finally someone solved the yo-yo dieting cycle!

I got pregnant right after the 21-day program!

I suffered from few health issues like insomnia, fatigue, frequent colds so it looked like I need to do something to boost my immunity. I signed up with Upgraders 21-day program. The program is very easy and very clearly structured. All products have very high quality which you can feel during the programm. Every day I felt better and better. Amazing how 21 days can make a big difference to your health, energy levels, sleep, weight... And surprise, surprise, I got pregnant right after the 21-day program!!!! Thank you Upgraders for everything you do!

As I am 52 and going through menopause I felt more clear headed and stronger as well.

Upgraders 3 week cleanse was life changing for me! I have always struggled with consistent constipation and had developed bad eating habits that had led to weight gain and bloating. Starting on the program the first 5 days were intense, as my system started to detox and release things that had been trapped for years. By day 6 my headaches had disappeared and my skin was clear and my energy levels were amazing. My system was flushing at a regular pace and as the days progressed I simply felt better that I can ever remember! As I am 52 and going through menopause I felt more clear headed and stronger as well. Such a wonderful program and one I will begin to do regularly 1-2 times per year! Thank goodness someone finally developed a program like this that you can do at home and achieve these results. My weight is coming down at a healthy pace (I lost 4kg / ~9 pounds in 21 days) and even after I have finished I continue to stick to the dietary recommendations because I feel so good. I highly recommend this 3-week cleanse!!

Clarity, energy, strength & beauty just after 1 week!

The impact of this 21-day detox program has been truly remarkable. As a busy mother and someone who has battled the effects of Covid, I had been dealing with chronic fatigue, exhaustion, and insomnia. That's why I decided to give this program a try, as I had heard that toxins are at the root of the chaos within our bodies. The first few days were challenging as I could feel my body undergoing a transformation. However, on day 7, it was like a rebirth for me. I emerged with newfound clarity, energy, strength, and a beauty that I hadn't experienced in a long time. This detox program has become an essential part of my seasonal routine. I'm incredibly grateful for the positive changes it has brought into my life. Thank you!!!!

astonishing experience

My neighbour (who was suffering from digestive problems since quite a while) was surprised when I offered her the 21-day package. After having finalised the treatment a few days ago, my neighbour feels much better and she is very grateful for the astonishing experience she has been going through. Today she is lighter, healthier and more optimistic to overcome the problems she had in the past with intestinal inflammations.

Can't see a change

Can't feel a change

Thank you for sharing your feedback. We’re committed to your success and understand that every health journey is unique. Our Upgraders Method is designed to work best when followed closely, including our lifestyle guidelines on nutrition, intermittent fasting, and movement. Supplements are a key part of our program, but they work best in conjunction with these lifestyle changes to effectively detoxify the body. It's vital to minimize new toxin intake during this process. We're here to support you and offer personalized guidance to help you meet your health goals. Please reach out for further assistance. Your well-being is our utmost priority.